When spring comes around, it not only brings changes in the weather, but it also allows for dormant plantlife to leap into action after the colder winter months. For trees, this usually comes in the form of blooming flowers, which add a drop of colour to your garden, whilst also showing they’re in a good healthy condition.
However, when a tree doesn’t bloom when expected, or may not bloom at all, it causes worry about the health and general condition of the tree. There are a few reasons why your tree may not be blooming, but what are they? And what can you do to help?
Late Blooming
Sometimes, a tree will be a late bloomer. If your tree hasn’t flowered in the early few weeks of spring, this isn’t always something to worry about, as depending on the winter and early spring conditions, your tree may be waiting for the opportune moment to bloom to ensure it stays healthy. If there’s been a late frost in the last throes of winter or even in early spring, a tree may wait a few weeks until buds start to appear.
Because of weather conditions like the late frost causing blooming to be pushed back, it’s recommended that you wait until late April or early May for flowering activity. However, if you’ve reached this point in the spring and your tree is yet to bloom, you can get in touch with a qualified arborist like Quill Hall Arboriculture who can carry out an inspection on your tree.
Common Reasons for Trees Not Blooming
If you do find that your tree isn’t blooming at all, there are a few reasons why this could be the case. Some of the more common reasons include:
Depending on the age of your tree, and also how it was propagated, the age at which it starts to bloom can vary. It can also vary on the exact species too, with some blooming and bearing fruit at an earlier age than others. Some trees can go years without blooming, so there shouldn’t be a concern if a new tree doesn’t bloom for a few springs.
Lack of Sunlight
If your tree is in a shaded area, such as being blocked by other taller trees or nearby buildings, then they may be suffering from a lack of sunlight. And whilst a tree can be tolerant to the shade, it may not flower as much – or at all – if it doesn’t get enough exposure to direct sunlight.
A key reason why your tree might not be blooming is that it’s damaged. This can be down to a number of factors, including stress from the winter or early spring weather, pests affecting the health of the tree, or damage from poor tree care such as bad pruning. If tree pruning is carried out at the wrong time of year, then it can remove buds and significantly reduce the amount of flowers that bloom. And if pruning is carried out to a low standard, it can damage the branches and prevent them from flowering.
Diseases Like Dieback
One reason why your tree, or certain branches, may not be blooming is that they’re suffering from a tree disease such as ash dieback. Ash dieback affects ash trees and can stop branches from blooming and producing leaves. This may not be easy to spot in the winter months when the trees are bare, but it’s more noticeable when trees should be blooming and leaves appearing. If you think your tree is suffering from ash dieback, it’s recommended to contact a local expert arborist as soon as possible.